Learn to Scull Clinics
2024 Learn to Scull Clinics
Coaches: Erika Dade, Others TBA
This 3 x 1½ hour program is designed for beginner scullers who would like to learn sculling (rowing with two oars). Sweep rowers are welcome, as are total beginners and less experienced scullers who wish to review basic technique. Participants will use UVRF’s recreational rowing shells or racing singles with floats, which are both very stable in the water. The sessions will focus on boat handling, building skills and gaining confidence in a single (also known as a “1x”).
UVRF Membership is not required for this introductory course. However, all participants should have passed the UVRF or HHS swim test or pre-sign a swim test liability waiver. Participants will be asked to sign a USRowing liability waiver as well.
Use of club sculling equipment for two weeks after instruction is included. Under-18s who wish to continue sculling after the clinic must submit a Permission to Scull Alone waiver signed by a parent or guardian.
Sessions offered either Mon-Wed-Fri or Tues-Thurs-Sat
Location: Kendal Riverfront Park
Min: 2 Max: 3 participants
Program fee: $125 (no membership fee required)
- Session 1 T-TH-Sa 8:00-9:30 am June 4-6-8 coach Erika Dade
- Session 2 M-W-F 5:30-7:00 pm June 10-12-14 coach Erika Dade
- Session 3 T-TH-Sa 8:00-9:30 am June 18-20-22 coach Erika Dade
- Session 4 T-Th-Sa 8-9:30 am June 25-27-29 coach Chuck Nagle
- Session 5 M-W-F 5:30-7:00 pm July 1-3-5 coach Erika Dade
- Session 6b S-Tu-Th 8:00-9:30am July 7-9-11 coach Erika Dade
- Session 6 M-W-F 8:00-9:30 am July 8-10-12 coach Erika Dade
- Session 7 T-Th-Sa 8-9:30 am July 16-18-20 coach Erika Dade
- Session 8 M-W-F 5:30-7:00 pm July 22-24-26 coach TBD
- Session 9 M-W-F 8:00-9:30 am Ju l29-31-Aug 2 coach Erika Dade
- Session 10 M-W-F 5:30-7:00 pm Aug 5-7-9 coach Erika Dade