UVRF owns a large number of sweep and sculling boats. Members in good standing can use these boats assuming that they follow usage policies and have the appropriate certifications and either are participating in a program or have paid the appropriate equipment usage fee.
Thus (and there is sometimes confusion about this) becoming a UVRF member does not confer any privileges for club boat access.
Boat access is included with the cost of a program. However, if you want to use boats outside of the program you need to pay the usage fee.
Reserving boats and signing in and out
UVRF boats can be reserved by visiting this password protected page. You will receive the password once you pay the equipment usage fee.
Boats may be reserved up to one week in advance for up to one and one-half hours at a time. Please check the online reservation document BEFORE you take a boat out!! If a boat has been reserved, but it is more than 15 minutes past the reservation time, you are free to take out that reserved boat.
The club reserves the right to limit the number of reservations per individual in order to ensure adequate access for all members. Please be considerate of your fellow scullers. Finally, in addition to reserving a boat, it is crucial that you sign in and out of the log book every time you row – this is so we know who is out and that you got back safely, and to monitor club boat usage to guide future boat purchasing decisions. The logbook is either in the plastic tub in the rack next to the quads, or is with the dock monitor.
Broken/Damaged Equipment
Bringing problems to our attention helps keep our sculling fleet in good order. Check the boat carefully before launching and after you return. If you find that something is missing, or malfunctioning, please email uppervalleyrc@gmail.com .
If you drop a boat, have an unexpected encounter with a tree, another boat, the sculling dock or other miscellaneous floating water hazard, notify the club as soon as possible. If a dock monitor is not present, leave a note on the club bulletin board and email uppervalleyrc@gmail.com.
Describe the point of impact, and any visible damage. Even if you don’t see any obvious breakage, please report the accident so that we can check out the boat.