Cancer Recovery Through RoWing
We want YOU to join our team

No experience necessary! A FREE land and water-based rowing program open to all those who are living with cancer, whatever their stage of treatment or recovery. Interested in learning more or joining us? Contact our captains at for more information. Read more about us in this article published in The Lebanon Times.
Research proves that exercise is key to cancer recovery and quality of life for survivors.
Who is CReW for?
If you have been diagnosed with any type of cancer, you are invited to join our FREE CReW.
No experience, fitness level, or skill necessary, just an interest in trying something new with other survivors and doing something fun and positive with your body. Participate as little or often as works for you. We run year round, with Zoom-based indoor erg sessions from Oct. 1 to May 31 and an on-the-water program from June through September. (Limited Zoom erg session continue once or twice a week during the on-the-water portion of the program.) No commitment required.
MOST ERG (Rowing Machine) SESSIONS ARE CURRENTLY CONDUCTED VIA ZOOM – Contact us to arrange for a loaner erg if you need to borrow one, as well as a private Learn To Row lesson.**
Why Join?
Research proves that moderate exercise during and after treatment:
Improves mood & self-esteem
Lessens fatigue
Strengthens bones
Improves balance
Improves sleep
Improves your physical health and overall quality of life
Lowers the risk of anxiety and depression
Helps control your weight
Exercise also may help to reduce the risk that your cancer returns
Indoor Rowing Program
**MOST ERG (Rowing Machine) SESSIONS ARE CONDUCTED VIA ZOOM – Contact us to arrange for a loaner erg if you need to borrow one.***
All Zoom Erg Sessions are on a drop in basis. There are usually three (3) sessions a week except from June – September during our on the water program when we drop down to a once-a-week schedule. Come to one or come to all! The schedule may vary month to month, but during the erg season (Oct. – May) generally are held Tu/Th from 6 – 7pm and Saturday from 9 – 10am. Summer Zoom ergs are Wednesdays from 6 – 7 p.m.
No experience necessary!
Zoom Ergs run from October 1 – May 31; on the water rowing ideally begins June 1
On The Water Rowing Program – June 1 through the end of September
On the water rowing sessions are held three times a week, Tuesday/Thursday from 6 – 7:30 p.m. and Saturday 9 – 10:30 a.m. A highlight of the summer is our participation in the Prouty Rowing event on the second Saturday in July.
No experience necessary!
Learn to row on the water in Upper Valley Rowing Foundation rowing shells. Team boats if possible.
We’ll teach you to both sweep (each person has one oar) in our bigger eight and four person rowing shells, and also to scull (each person has two oars) in small boats – singles, doubles and quads.
The people behind CReW:
Carin Reynolds, UVRF rowing coach and mother of cancer survivor (head coach)
Maureen Stannard, Rowing Parent and RN, OCN, Oncology Clinical Research Nurse, Norris Cotton Cancer Center
Susan Brighton, Rower, Coach and MSN, APRN Hematology/Blood & Marrow Transplant Program at Norris Cotton Cancer Center
Coaching Staff:
Carin Reynolds, Martha Beattie, Susan Brighton, Erika Dade, Dawn Carey, Pam Tengdin, Ala Crockett, Tyler Bergmeier
SPONSORED BY Upper Valley Rowing Foundation – our Local Community Rowing organization and the Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation
Interested? Questions? Email us at